Friday, June 23, 2023

Growing Pains

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven -- Ecclesiastes 3:1

Something we all know, but not all readily accept. From losing a loved one, a relationship, a job; it all causes a wide range of emotions. 

Sometimes, just the thought of stepping out of our comfort zone brings out the fight or flight instinct. Jonah is a great example of this. God told him to step out of his comfort zone, to head to Nineveh and teach the people the good news. But Jonah tried to flee his calling. We all know how well that ended. Yet, when Jonah finally listened to instruction, God was with him and gave him everything he needed to complete the task. Thousands were saved.

Let's face it, we have all felt the whispering. We have all felt us being drawn to do things that make us very frightened, possibly leave a job, or move on from a dark relationship that we have grown comfortable in, and we've all turned a deaf ear to those whispers at one tine or another. 

 For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God -- Romans 8:14

God wants all of His children to not only follow Him, but spread the good news to others who have not accepted the truth and the gift of unconditional love that He has for everyone.

If you would, please notice the date of the last entry before this one. 2018. It is 2023. Five years has passed. So many moments have come and gone, both good and bad. And here is its, five years later, and that tugging on my heart has returned so strong. 

I am very fearful of striking up a "Do you know Jesus?" conversation with someone I either know or don't know, and that fear has caused moments to pass by me, moments that I could have planted seeds in someone, seeds that God could have sowed into a  beautiful relationship. 

The doubts, oh the doubts. What if the person I am peaking to asks questions that I cant answer? Something I have heard repeated time and time again - God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called. 

Jeremiah 1:9 Then the Lord reached out his hand and touched my mouth and said to me, "I have put my words in your mouth." 

My biggest problem: I am never around a bunch of people, so exactly how am I going to spread the word? On this question I prayed, and asked God for clarity and courage. That very night, I remembered this site. So, I dusted off the old laptop - quite literally, and opened it up. 

As if I needed further confirmation, I find this half written post as a draft. A post about listening to God's instruction. Nothing is coincidence

God allows all words spoken in His name be heard by those who need to hear it, whether is be my your vocal chords or your keyboard. I may be mostly home bound, but there are many others in my same predicament who still need to know that God loves them and sent His son to this earth to die for all of our sins.

They need to know that all they have to do is admit they are a sinner and repent and ask Jesus into their heart. It really is that simple.As simple as opening up and 5 year blog, and finding the voice for Jesus I needed.