Thursday, October 16, 2014

Its Been Said Before...

...Many times, actually.

Our God is an awesome God. Its been said in song, in sermons. It cannot be said enough. There is nothing God cannot do, and there is nothing we can do without Him. He gives us love that we do not deserve, no matter how little love we give in return. He heals us from sickness, he perform miracles each and every day, some so subtle, yet so powerful. So many that we choose to overlook in the midst of our day to day existence, with our minds so filled with clutter that means nothing if you don't keep your eyes to Him.

I have a lot of growing to do. I have let so many things cloud my thoughts for so long that I have drifted further apart from my heavenly father, and want so desperately to get closer again. I thought that maybe this blog would be a good start.

I decided on the name Beyond Measure because it says it all.

God gave us his son, bringing him to earth to die on the cross in my place - MY place.  Who am I to deserve this? This is grace beyond measure.

God wants us to trust him in all ways. Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. - Proverbs 3:5. Faith beyond measure.

The love God has for each of his children is so immense. Its absolutely endless. He calls for us to love Him and all others in the same way, even though we fall shamefully short each day. Love beyond measure.

May this journey touch others when they need to be touched.

Love & Prayers, 


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