Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cuts Like A...Pair of Scissors?

It's been far too long. I'm hoping that won't happen again. I woke this morning with such a renewed spirit of the Lord in my heart I jut felt like shouting it from the rooftop. In suburban America at 6:50 in the morning, this is likely the more optimum choice.

I wanted to share the devotional I just got done reading and intertwine my thoughts and feelings in it if you don't mind.

Today's Scripture: Ephesians 4:22,24
"You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires;  to be made new in the attitude of your minds;  and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."

Sometimes we get the impression that the Christian life consists mainly of negative prohibitions. These are definitely an important part of our spiritual discipline, as attested by the fact that eight of the Ten Commandments are prohibitions. We need the prohibitions set forth not just in the Ten Commandments but in all the life-application sections of the New Testament. Indwelling sin needs the constant restraint of being denied its gratification. 

This is also how the world sees our views on most everything - that we come against widely accepted things in society and just hate those who are involved so much that we judge them to be horrible people and think they should be denied what others feel are their rights. Buts when it comes to ourselves and the toll it takes on us personally, well, read on...

The Christian life, however, should also be directed toward positive expressions of Christian character. All of Paul's ethical teaching is characterized by this twofold approach of putting off the old self and putting on the new self (as in Ephesians 4:21-24.)

One thing as Christians I feel like we allow other influences to make this an even more difficult experience. No one said this would be easy. Think of the pressure a single lump of coal must of through for some many years to become a bright and shiny diamond, or the unbearable heat that steel must be melted at in order to forge out impurities to become more pure and stronger. We have our on difficult journey that we each walk in order to get closer to our savior each day. How we handle ourselves with each step is being scrutinized by other believers and the lost alike. 

 I like to think of this twofold approach as represented by the two blades of a pair of scissors. A single scissors blade is useless as far as doing the job for which it was designed. The two blades must work in conjunction with each other to be effective. And we must work both at putting off the characteristics of our old selves and putting on the characteristics of the new selves. One without the other is not effective.

This is a brilliant comparison, don't you think? My biggest weakness here would be the struggle to synchronize the movements. Fortunately, this isn't something I have to figure out on my own. Jesus is here, holding my hand every step of the way. 

 Some believers seem to focus on putting off sinful practices but give little attention to what they are to put on. Too often their lives become hard and brittle and probably self-righteous, because they tend to equate godliness with a defined list of "don'ts." other believers tend to focus on putting on certain positive traits such as love, compassion, and kindness, but they can become careless in morality and ethics. We need the dual focus of "putting off" and "putting on" —each should receive equal attention from us.

This is a balancing act that thankfully doesn't have to be as difficult as me make it. As long as we rely on the power of prayer, immerse ourselves in God's holy word every day and keep our dialogue open with our Lord, our walk will become stronger, and the very harmony that we seek will shine like a beacon from us and will make it possible for Him to be seen in us by others. 

Let today be your first day. Snip- Snip!

Love and Prayers,


Text in boldface font is taken from today's Jerry Bridges Devotional, as seen here. Italics is my own opinions and thoughts as a growing child of Christ.

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